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Dance Moms Finale Spoilers Recap: Season 4 Finals Hollywood Here We Come, Part 1

Dance Moms Finale Spoilers Recap: Season 4 Finals “Hollywood Here We Come, Part 1”

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms returns with an all new Tuesday September 30, Season 4 finale part 1 called, “Hollywood Here We Come, Part 1.” On tonight’s episode while the ALDC is in Los Angeles to compete at Nationals, Abby makes a major announcement that will forever change the Elite Competition Team. We will be treated to spoilers during the show indicating who is hot and who is not in Abby’s bossy eyes.

On the last episode Abby’s Annual Dance Concert was always bigger than any old recital and this year was no different, as the theme was an emotional tribute to her mother. With Nationals a few days away, Abby gave the girls 45 seconds to prove they each deserve a solo. When Abby had Kamryn dance in Chloe’s place, Christi began to fear the security of Chloe’s position at Nationals. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode while the ALDC is in Los Angeles to compete at Nationals, Abby makes a major announcement that will forever change the Elite Competition Team. Ex-ALDC dance mom, Jeanette, stalks the team to LA and vows revenge against Abby. Cathy schemes to ruin Abby’s west coast visit by challenging the ALDC to a dance off, and everyone is shocked when Abby’s moves steal the show.

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s Season 4 Episode 30 – tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new season of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Nationals will be held in LA – that’s where they are now. Abby calls the girls in and says everything is in LA and says it’s all about stars and she makes stars. She says they have a lot to do and will be busy. The select ream comes in and Abby asks why they didn’t wait to be called in. Holly asks why the select team is there because they have beaten the junior elite team three teams. Abby says she wants to see if the junior elite team has learned their lesson and says she’s in it to win it.

Holly says the elite teams have won nationals three years in a row and they don’t need the select team there. Chloe is at the bottom of the pyramid because she didn’t dance. Her mom says she’s good to dance and Abby says that’s fine. Next is Mackenzie. She says she was hit and miss in the show. Next is Nia – she says she was strong but not as good as her winning performance. Next is Kendall – she says she nailed her performance. Kamryn is next and says she was dancing to the back of the house.

Maddie is at the top as usual. She says she always proved herself in every number at the concert. She tells them that Maddie and the junior elite team will be doing a personal appearance and that everyone has to show up for it. Abby is looking for publicity. She tells them the national dance comp is Intensity and she will have two group routines. The junior team will do Amber Alert and the select team a number called Hollywood Stars.

She says there are three solos. Kendall gets one – a jazz solo – called My Name in Lights. Jill is thrilled and says Abby did the right thing for once. Next is Chloe so long as her foot holds up. She gets a comtemporary piece called Soaring. Christi says she’s thrilled because last year she cost her the competition. Abby tells Maddie she doesn’t have time to do a solo because of her Jimmy Kimmel appearances. Maddie says she can learn it fast and Melissa asks for it too but Abby says no.

Abby award the last solo to Kamryn. She tells her it’s a contemporary piece called This is the Start. Holly tells Abby that Nia has never had a solo at nationals and has been there when she was three. Abby tells her to go dance somewhere else. Holly says her daughter has earned it but Abby says she has to put her best foot forward and that’s Kamryn. Abby moves on and tells Maddie that a driver is ready to take her to Jimmy Kimmel to perform with Sia.

Melissa says Maddie can handle the pressure. She tells Maddie to mind her manners. Abby tells them she’ll be there for her appearance. Abby says she brought the select team in to inspure the elite team to work harder. Then Abby says next season it won’t be select versus elite. She reveals that she’s opening a studio in LA. She says she wants to bring star dancers with her. She says she knows Maddie will follow her and wants some more.

Jill says it makes no sense that Abby would split her time between two huge studios. Gianna comes in and tells Abby a large box was delivered to her. It’s from Cathy, her nemesis. Abby pushes it aside and says no one cares and she’s not playing this game. Then Ava and Jeanette show up at the studio. Jill calls her a stalker but Jeanette says it’s perserverance. Abby unzips Ava’s jacket and takes it off her and says she’s not part of their team.

Jeanette asks when she was cut. Abby tells Chloe to step forward and tells Ava to stand next to her. Then she tells Ava she’s too tall and is cut. Ava cries and thanks her for the opportunity. Abby tells her she can be a great dancer if she gets away from her mother. The other moms yell at Jeanette and tell her she’s horrible to bring her daughter there and put her through this. Abby wonders if Jeanette will keep coming back until she beats her away with a stick.

Chloe tells the others how excited she is to be dancing at nationals. Holly is still annoyed that the select team gets to participate. The moms call them studio hoppers. Holly tells the girls they have to win because they have a reputation to protect. Abby works with the select team and says they do well with pretty, elegant pieces. She says with her new LA studio, she may not need the select team and it may be their first and last shot at nationals.

Holly complains that Maddie and Mack Z are getting the personal appearance top billing and the rest of the dancers are just others. The moms say that Abby is not a West Coast style teacher and they wonder if she wants to leave Pittsburgh now that her mom died. Kristi says if she came to LA it wouldn’t be for Abby’s studio. Abby coaches the elite team’s group number – it’s based on child kidnapping. Ick. That seems odd and strangely inappropriate. Abby says you have to push the envelope at nationals to win.

Cathy has her Candy Apples team together but she’s only about beating Abby. She has spared no expense to try and put Abby down. She’s brought in Chehon – the winner of So You Think You Can Dance. He says Abby will be in shock. Cathy has a huge idea – they are doing Chandelier – Sia’s song that Maddie was in the video for! OMG! Her mom’s tell her that this is calling their kids into direct comparison with Abby’s team. She sends her loudest critic out.

Cathy says she’s tired of coming in second and has to make a bold move. She says she brought Chehon in to do the most innovative and risky choreography. She tells the team they have to outdance the artist that was in the original video – aka Maddie. Abby’s moms get curious and open the present. It’s a chandelier with apples speared on it. Jill says she thinks Cathy is spoofing Chandelier. Abby is busy with the elite team’s rehearsal. She is annoyed at Nia’s poor footing.

Melissa tells the others that she assumed Maddie had a solo at nationals. Christi says they saw her rehearsing in secret. Christi says there is no way Abby won’t let Maddie not dance a solo at nationals. Jill says they should be focused on nationals and not on media events. Cathy comes in and says she’s happy they got her gift. Jill wants to know why she’s on their turf. Christi says Abby hasn’t seen it and she should hand deliver it. Holly isn’t happy that Christi suggested that distraction.

Cathy busts into rehearsal with her gift but Abby eats her banana even as Cathy calls her a monkey, insults her jewelry, is snotty to the girls and leaves. Cathy tells Christi that she looks like a big booger in her green dress. Christi says Cathy must have cooked up something good to be acting so cocky. Christy asks about the chandelier as Abby is making calls. She’s trying to find a studio and is annoyed with Christy running her mouth as usual. She tells her she’s busy and she’s babbling.

Abby tells her she’s an idiot and to shut up. Sarah starts crying immediately and Abby screams at her “no babies.” Christy tells Abby she just asked about the stupid thing in the box and tells her not to take it out on her daughter. Sarah sobs and Christy tries to comfort her. Abby kicks them out and Sarah tells her mom that this is the second time it’s happened in a week. Christy says she can’t allow Abby to humiliate them anymore. She says they can find another competition team.

The select team are floored that they lost another team member. Abby tells the moms she’s leaving to run errands and see Maddie on Jimy Kimmel. The moms are worried that there has not been enough rehearsal time. Cathy’s team is working with Chehon on an out of the box number and says Abby’s kids always do the same stuff. She says they are more cutting edge. Cathy tells her kids about Abby’s appearance with Maddie and Mack Z. She tells the kids they need to show up to that.

It’s two days before the competition. Chloe is rehearsing her solo while her mom coaches her while Abby is out looking for a studio proptery. Christy says Abby isn’t showing up for rehearsals and is doing all her other things. Christi is frustrated and says Chloe hasn’t been given a number that shows of her talents. Gianna comes out and Christi complains to her that the choreography is no good and says they are f-ing her daughter. Gianna tells her not to worry. Jill is also annoyed that the soloists are getting no time. She says Abby will look at the girls, say they’re not prepared and throw Maddie in.

They moms talk about the announcement that Maddie isn’t getting a solo and tells Melissa it all seemed too packaged and they didn’t seem shocked at all. They aren’t buying that Maddie isn’t really getting a solo and says they caved in too easily. To be fair, Melissa takes whatever Abby says at face value and doesn’t ever fight back no matter what. That woman has mastered her poker face. Lady Gaga would be proud…

But I do think the moms have a point and that Maddie will end up dancing and that Abby will find a way to justify it. But then again, if it’s about winning, she should dance. This isn’t tee ball where everyone gets to play and no one is keeping score! At the event, Abby is excited about all the PR to raise her profile in advance of opening her new LA studio. She introduces E-Baby, a friend of hers. She tells the crowd they are there for the national competition.

She tells the crowd Maddie is on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Christi is annoyed and says this is the Maddie show and not about the rest of the girls. She also tells the crowd she’s opening ALDC-LA this Fall and asks E-Baby to come teach hip hop at her studio. Abby says he’s an old friend and she wants his dancers to throw down. E-Baby is working his dancers and the ALDC girls are cheering but they’re not used to hip hop at all.

Then the moms notice Cathy and her people show up. Holly says of course they can’t have any fun without Cathy party crashing. E-Baby calls her team the Rotten Apples and calls Cathy up. Abby walks away and Cathy has the mic and tells her to come out and play. Abby is annoyed and says they make a mockery of everything she does. The moms tell her not to look like she’s running from Cathy. Then Cathy challenges them to a dance off. Abby says fine – she can beat her on-stage and in the street.

Abby calls Cathy an imbecile. E-Baby says it’s time to show what they have and says he’ll call them out and they need to free style with personality. He’ll pick the three best for a final battle. Cathy says her dancers are better than Abby’s without the costumes. Maddie is up against her boy toy and beats him easily. Nia smokes her opponent. Kamryn goes out and shows her stuff. E-Baby chooses Nia and Chloe for ALDC and McKenzie for the Rotten Apples.

MacKenie starts out and Chloe literally dances circles around her. Nia starts and then flips her hair at the other girl and outdoes her hard. She other girl sinks into a slow split and Nia drops into a fast one and back up. Holly is amazed and says she can’t believe what she’s doing. The crowd cheers for Nia and then Chloe and McKenzie gets shouts. E-Baby has to name McKenzie the winner. Abby is floored and E-Baby calls for a group battle.

The coaches talk to their girls and then Cathy gets in her face and tells Abby she can’t dance. ALDC breaks into a cool group number with Maddie out front. Cathy’s kids are going for it. Holly is impessed with the skills their kids have. The crowd is chanting ALDC. Then E-Baby calls for applause and ALDC clearly has it. Abby is thrilled that the beat Cathy yet again and says now they need to focus on nationals and perfect the routines.

Abby tells the crowd that Maddie and Sia will be on Jimmy Kimmel and they have to run. Cathy says she won’t be discouraged since McKenzie won and it put Abby off her game.

