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How to buy PokeCoins in Pokemon GO at a discounted price?

If you are not a free-to-play player in Pokemon GO, then you must have brought one of the several PokeCoin Packs that are available in the in-game shop. These coins can be priced quite high, depending on which region of earth you live on. The cheapest PokeCoin Pack will give you 100 PokeCoins for $1. While the price might not look too outrageous, you will have to keep in mind that this many coins will barely fletch you anything in the game.

One of the reasons behind the high price of PokeCoins is that Niantic has to provide a share of its microtransactions to both Apple and Google. As such, to prevent this, they have recently introduced a new webstore for Pokemon GO where the PokeCoin prices are a bit lower in comparison, but still significantly expensive.

In this article, we will take a look at how you can find the cheapest way to buy PokeCoins in Pokemon GO.

Where to buy PokeCoins for the cheapest price in Pokemon GO?

To buy cheap Pokecoins, trainers would probably rush to the Pokemon GO web store, but that is not what you are here for. The key to significantly reducing the price of PokeCoins in the game is changing your store’s region to Turkey. By store, we are talking about your phone’s app market.

To do this, you must have an Android device. It is currently not possible on iOS devices. Firstly, you will have to go to the Google Play Store. From there, you must go to “Payments and subscriptions.” Once there, you will have to click on “Payment methods.”

Click on "Payment Methods" (Image via Google Play Store)

From here, you must click on “More payment settings” under “More options.” This will open your default browser and take you to your Google account.

Click on More Payment Settings (Image via Google Play Store)

Once that is done, you must complete the next steps with utmost care.

Click on Create New Profile (Image via Google Play Store)

Click on “Country/Region” and from there click on “Create new profile.” You will have to click on “Continue” after that.

Set your country as Turkey (Image via Google Play Store)

Under “Customer Info,” you will have to enter a Turkish address. You can click here to get a random Turkish address from Google. It is advisable to stick to addresses that belong to places like Antalya, Izmir, or Istanbul.

Note: The name of the account holder must match the name on your Visa or Debit card that you will be using to purchase the coins later on.

Once the addresses have been entered, you will have to click on "Submit". After that, you will be taken to a new page, and from there, you will have to click on "View Profile". After that, you will have to refresh the page that you are currently on.

You will have to click on the back button or use the swipe gesture to go to the previous page. Once done, you must click on the account name whose region is set to your country. Under “Payments profile for Google Pay,” you will see the account holder’s name. By default, the Turkish account will be active. Make sure you change the active profile before proceeding.

After selecting the profile, you must scroll down and click “Close payments profile” under “Payments profile status.” You will be prompted to enter your password.

100 PokeCoins cost $0.1 in Pokemon GO in Turkey (Image via Niantic)

After entering your password, you will be taken to a new page. Here you will have to provide a reason as to why you want to close your profile. We would recommend you choose the first option, which says, “I’ve just found out I have this profile and don’t want it.” Then you will have to click on “Continue.” On the next page, click on “Close payments profile.”

This will successfully change your Google account’s region to Turkey. Now, if you open Pokemon GO, you will see that all the prices are shown in foreign currency. Instead of your local currency, it will show the prices in “TRY, " representing the Turkish Lira.

You can now buy 100 PokeCoins for roughly 2.69 Turkish Lira in Pokemon GO, approximately $0.1. The larger packs won’t give you as much value, but you will still save a lot of money compared to buying the same from the webstore.

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