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"I got a haircut from someone with a butter knife"

Dwight Howard has been on an absolute tear since joining the Taoyuan Leopards recently.

The eight-time All-Star found himself out of the NBA this offseason after a one-year stint with the Lakers that saw Howard pick up big minutes last year. With Anthony Davis out for long stretches last season, Howard started in 27 games in his first season back with the Lakers since winning a title two years prior.

While averaging 16.2 minutes per game, Howard made solid contributions on the floor in his limited role. With a 61.2% field goal average, the points he scored were pretty efficient. However, his stats weren't good enough to find him a roster this season. With no interest from NBA teams, Howard headed to Taiwan, where he has been absolutely dominating.

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In a recent video, Howard explained the traumatic experience he went through while getting his first haircut in Taiwan. You can see the video of Howard joking about his hairline being pushed back while getting a haircut from someone with a butter knife.

Watch the video below:

Dwight Howard's dominance in Taiwan

Dwight Howard (Los Angeles Lakers v Houston Rockets)

After making the move to Taiwan, Howard has been sensational. His exploits in his latest game with the Taoyuan Leopards are close to being absurd.

Complete with ten three-point attempts, Howard scored 38 points and hauled down 25 rebounds. He also found himself on triple-double watch as he racked up nine assists and four blocks during the game. The fact that Howard, a career 21.4% three-point shooter, took ten threes in a game quickly made the rounds.

When Shaquille O'Neal weighed in on the situation, he joked that Dwight Howard's stats weren't that impressive given the level of competition. Naturally, that didn't sit too well with the former Slam Dunk Contest champion, who fired back at O'Neal in a TikTok:

"Stop hating. I saw a video of you talking about me playing basketball in Taiwan and I'm playing at the Life Time Fitness League. Do not disrespect my teammates in this league and these people in Taiwan like that. That is highly disrespectful and it's hating. And you too old to be hating. You too big to be hating. You suppose to be Superman, the original Superman."

So far, no response has come from O'Neal, who will likely fire back during a podcast appearance or an upcoming TNT broadcast.

Check out the highlights from Howard's monstrous debut:

Since then, Howard has once again put on a dominant performance.

In the team's game against the Taichung Suns, Dwight Howard went back to work without missing a beat, scoring 23 points in the team's win. At the same time, he was on triple-double watch again as he finished with ten assists and nine rebounds.

Dwight Howard - a return to the NBA?

Given how dominant Howard has been in Taiwan, the NBA community has quickly taken notice of the situation. Although he may be in the twilight years of his career, Howard has shown he isn't quite done yet.

While he may not be the player he once was, the time he's spending in Taiwan could help his confidence in a potential NBA return.

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