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The Best of John Stamos Thought-Provoking Twitter Posts

John Stamos

Uncle Jesse; the man every mother and every teenage daughter had a crush on in the late 80s and early 90s. TGIF, because it meant John Stamos would be on television for a solid half hour winning over the hearts of all women with his tough-guy exterior and his sweet teddy bear personality. Everyone loved Full House, and they still love Full House. Anytime it’s on, people tune it. His role as Uncle Jesse was the one that shot Stamos to fame, and women will never forget him in that role. It’s probably how we know him best even more than 20 years later despite the many other Hollywood jobs he’s had.

Now that he’s not Uncle Jesse anymore, Stamos is a Twitter regular. He uses his time wisely posting fully sayings, hilarious antics and photos of himself (thank you!) to his page to keep the rest of us entertained and well aware that he’s still around. Anyone who follows his Twitter feed knows he has a lot to say, but they’ve also come to realize that Stamos has a bit of an obsession with finding quotes and famous sayings and breaking them down to ask the obvious questions most of us don’t think about; but now we have something to think about. Here are our favorite, most thought-provoking John Stamos Twitter posts of all time.

Fight fire with fire? Or live and let live?

— John Stamos (@JohnStamos) December 11, 2014

Good question, John Stamos; good question. It all depends on the situation, really. If we really don’t care all that much, we say live and let live. If someone takes the last piece of cake, we say fight fire with fire.

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”

— John Stamos (@JohnStamos) December 9, 2014

So, this means we should all start singing when we don’t have the answer? Does this mean an appropriate song lyric will result in a passing test score when the answer is unknown?

AMATEURS Can only see what’s in front of them. PROFESSIONALS Are all about the big picture. (And all about the bass as well)

— John Stamos (@JohnStamos) December 6, 2014

Because, really, we are all about that base. We don’t want any treble around here, though.

Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
